Five reasons to buy a bespoke dog painting

1. New family member

Have you recently welcomed a new furry friend to your family? Why not mark this landmark moment in your lives with a bespoke painting of your new family member? If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you have, or have had your own dog or other pet, or know someone who adores their pet. Either way, you know how special they are and what a big part of our lives they become.

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2. As a treasured memory

My kitten was a bouncy, scratchy, very energetic little guy. He changed so much from when he first arrived into our lives to when he was ten years old, having a special painting helps me to remember those crazy kitten years as well as I remember his cuddly, sleepy, stroppy adult cat years.

3. For the person who is impossible to buy for

Spending hours deciding what to buy and getting nowhere? Or leaving your decisions until the last moment and having a small panic? We all have that person in our lives who is impossible to buy for (whether they think so themselves or not! 😂) Rather than chocolate brownies or a generic gift card, why not get them a personalised gift? I do have last minute gifting options available, please contact me for more details.

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4. Treat yourself

We all deserve to treat ourselves now and then, especially in recent years. Grab a cup of tea or a glass of wine and browse through your pet photos. Choose your favourite and treat yourself to a bespoke painting or drawing. Have several photos but not sure which one to choose? Get in touch using the contact form and I’ll be more than happy to discuss your options and help you decide. Feel it’s too big of a treat? Why not gift it to yourself as a reward after reaching a certain goal or starting a new habit? That way, when you see your new painting on the wall, you’ll be reminded of your success as well as of your favourite pet.

5. Special gift for a special occasion

Got a big birthday party coming up and not sure what to take as a present? Or a wedding to go to with no wedding list? Why not commemorate their special day with a personalised portrait? I’ve seen many couples marry with their dogs at the ceremony too. Capturing that moment in a painting would be a perfect anniversary gift too.

Please note that I no longer offer Pet Portraits. If you would like to commission one, please get in touch and I can recommend a fellow artist.


Being an Eco Friendly artist


Alpine Tones Illustration: Inspired by Zermatt